
Main features
Public transportation information API Service
(stop/station/terminal location information, timetable, fare, ect)Providing the best route guide for real-time transfer considering the timetable (developing)
Real-time bus location and arrival information service
(Matchable with national BIS information)Support for multilingual public transportation services for foreign tourists
(English / Chinese / Japanese / Vietnamese)
Main reference

- Provide public transportation information on Naver/SKT/Google Maps
- Zigbang App
- Hyundai autoever
- Supermove App
- Smarter Subway App (TeamDoppelGanger)
- Enterple ga-G service(AI)
- Samsung Electronics Bixby
- Go Pyeongchang
- Korea Tourism Organization / Seoul Tourism Foundation
Business inquiry

Main features

Main reference

- Establishment of Smart City Integrated Mobility(MaaS) Platform in Daegu (Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport)
- Establishment of Smart Mobility Directions based on Life-context (Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy)
- Forest Big Data Platform, Provide Public Transit & Tourism Contents (National Information Society Agency)
Business inquiry

Main features
Realistic public transportation fares according to optimized routes are quickly applied and reflected in staffing and travel expenses calculations
Cloud server environment capable of distributed processing over 10TPS
Providing route results suitable for individual institution/corporate system environment
Main reference

- KB Bank / Industrial Bank of Korea / National Research Council of Science & Technology / Ministry of Patriots and Veterans Affairs
Business inquiry

Main features
Calculation of areas based on public transportation/vehicle/walking data with the best quality and accuracy in Korea
When entering a location, calculate it on the server in real time and derive the area (within 2.5 seconds based on 60 minutes of public transportation)
Easy development based on API service
Keep results accurate with continuous updates
Main reference

- KB Bank Liiv On service (2019)